Vote of no confidence: what happens next?

vote of no confidence

It’s been one hell of a ride but we can finally say it: WE MADE IT. We have the signatures for the vote of no confidence against Bartomeu and his board. This was a team effort that was possible due to the hard work and cooperation of many different people involved in the Mocion de censura.

The timing couldn’t have been worse: the pandemic, the closed Camp Nou, the absolute silence in the mainstream media in Barcelona, the lethargic protests at the stadium against Bartomeu which I covered HERE – all of those factors could’ve easily killed the vote. But they didn’t. 

The official count was of 17th September 7:30 AM is that we need just less than 300 signatures to have the required minimum. At 6pm when the signatures were counted it turned out that there way more than the required minimum – 20,731 socios have signed! It’s important because considering that more or less 5% of the total votes will get discounted so it would be great to have an extra 4000 signatures. Bartomeu can’t dismiss that.

You’re probably wondering what’s next so here’s what will happen:

  1. The signatures will still be gathered in the morning until lunch hours and then they will be officially counted. [DONE]
  2. If the total number of the signatures really surpasses the required minimum of 16,520 they will be delivered to FC Barcelona offices around 18:00. [DONE] A perfect scenario would be that Bartomeu and his board resign at that moment. [RATHER IMPOSSIBLE].
  3. If they don’t? A five-person commission will be formed of 2 members of the Board of Directors of FC Barcelona, 2 organizers (so Jordi Farré who started the vote + one of his associates), and a delegate from the Catalan Sports Federation (UFEC) who will be the chairman of the commission. 
  4. If they agree with the count of the signatures there will a FOR/AGAINST vote for socios in 10-20 days time. 66 percent and of the socios („2/3 +1 socio” to be more precise) will have to vote against Bartomeu. And it will have to be more than 10% of all the socios, so at least around 16,000. 
  5. What if the socios vote against Bartomeu and his board? The board will be automatically dismissed and new elections will be called in around 40 days. For this period there will be no possibility of making any important decisions, so for example no transfers. 

For more info at the official FC Barcelona website click here.

Tl;dr version?

There will be a FOR/AGAINST vote and if 66% of all socios vote against Bartomeu we’ll have a new election. All this shouldn’t take more than 2 months. 

As always we will try our best to inform you about the situation. 

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